by Chris Farago.
There’s a lot of mental pacing going on with this science fiction business, trying to suss out the proper changes to make to this world to make it different enough to be attention-grabbing for whatever audience one presumes to present it to. There are full universes where the air is solid and men are made of jade; there is a planet quite like ours where commas and periods have been reversed, and no one seems to notice. I shot that man in Reno, but it was so I could watch him live. Charles Xavier is neither a character in a novel nor in a comic book, but instead a stillborn tortoise with the powers of invisibility, time travel, and flight. Cold fusion is a birthright, each child having a handheld generator thrust into their possession on their tenth birthday to do with as they please. An awful man is given control of powerful armies by millions of like-minded awful followers, but he is fettered by his own incompetence. A single leaf on a single oak turns red instead of yellow, and the world is set on edge.