by Joseph Harms.
There’re spells (grossladened, michiganned) where August’s offingset
pasts Argentiera’s hulls: brickovens unfill of bones,
return to ceils unholed and lotic lit medusaed iron
by shingle rock and bone ecliptic anchored (ocean silvers
regardant, rearviewmirrored)…Infinity Pool fills
with spume (bejeweled of course) as at the prow with sirens Let
stands aweawed, Thammuzimposture gone for Hesperus, yes,
Hesperus in the shoals (his phthy work—so say who say—
forgot)…But then (grossladen) sees the sawn before the spell
years gone: atop respective blasted hills far from the road
mirrorinmirror two bony hoardings face depressionera, burnt.