by Jim Meirose.
Jan and Jon, final students, sidled in closer = an’ took up positions before the furthermost pickled dead-cat body-occupied dissection table, leaned out ‘n over, and took the required sharps in hand. At the call of get-go from the major John’s proctor, both went to work, in the classical manner; Jon working smoothly from headcap to e-sockets, to peeled-out sinisuoidical cavernous stenched-down rot-space, to underchin crank, and e-en further—and letting the piece parts no longer necessary tip off into an organ-dish u’ this there tableside, while, Jan worked from neck down—trachea coll’r-hips, chest topping laid open with an enormous avenue-smelling of bakery at daybreak out back th’ haff-faced near to full grabbagenix dumpstershot’s smell. Yikes! But, making short work, they fullfilled the requirements—‘til at finally-last just five mini-skeletals lay on their tables, surrounded by wheeled carts of slime-meaty gore laden stainless steel specimen dishes. Then, as per process, Jan and Jon gripped down plaid scotsmen-like clipboards from their hungups, ‘bove each respectable table, and dug, gloveless—as what other choices did they have—through the offalbucks ‘ettes as specified in the guns, nindo-commientating on their multiteired listpads the respective finally to be done indiviudualized to each tabletent’s situation—th’ end bean-being, that for each of the five uniquely and parasitic to the spaces beyond tables they stood at the ready to present to the “whole times been standing there” M. ‘Mory’ (false) Teacherman, (the big shot) a final presentation on each; w’ each one being no longer than one page; that one page consisting of no more than ten bullet points each; with none of said bullet points exceeding twelve words in length; and with no word used more than one single time—with no single-letter words being present at all—meaning no thought need be given to what order would be the best order to lay down the words in “any order desired”. Pop! Pop!
‘nd the hill-lilliqueened ‘Mory’ (false) Teacherman stepped out, snatched up their clipboards and papers, and turned its back on them, much too-briskly swishing through its office-door, which tip’d shut ‘is b’ hind, ‘ly to open again in whatever time’s required, for it to stride forth completed, bathed in false majesty, to deliver and redeliver verdict after verdict, up to having delivered all five verdicts, (sorry sorry prepprepared boilerplate boo-boo, change five to two and carry ‘ry on{snort snort}) each verdict telling this Jan and that Jon ‘f they’d achieved their re-fitness to gain, perceive, and understand the wide ‘istula oof new professionally lucrative posh-plush surroundings—just think of it, think. These years will have been worth it when it comes otu a’ oh, no. No no no no. No, think—oooo—no, no—no, not yet—it is still hen-tiredly possible that Jan Jon or both of the all of them may end up failed—then needing to remain after the bell to endure a no more than four-hour long punishment-level interrogatorrrian popquiz which had been promised to all losers by the wiped-over flat-daddied in their holy back halls someplace top committee—but no that cannot be but; maybe no, n, ‘o b, (get a grip) Calmly know = all hinges on how M. ‘Mory’ (false) Teacherman chooses to interpret the clipboarded data which yes they were sure was more than good enough b’ ‘ut oh sure it but is but maybe (don’t think that don’t think that don’t think—e-x-x-xhall’, so; (Its in their hands) so starts this time.
They swam back and gained shore but;
This waiting is dying.
This waiting is dying.
This waiting is dying ssss-s’ swim in it.
Eyes closed yeh yah swim in it.
Swim wait : let’s think about something else: for time’s come; 2+1000=sixteen+1 (swan swan swan) LA-FINALE! MOST EVIDENT HILLOSUMO; S-s-s-s-SEPParTUAty! Pi GESIMA Sllo! Party! UNDAPillo! Y Party-un-pillo ‘n Party-‘n-Pillo wreck EPTUruinAGESover and Unser (bobbybobo) n’ out! (i.e. viz-a-viz Frankie “the” Licker). This waiting is dying.
“This is a stickup!”
Ah! Binckermestractical that, c’est Binckermestractical this.
Swim on time’s not here yet; : let’s continue on thinking about something else: dream a hot blender. $2.00 no “tax”. But the time blew-went. The time = Blew-went n’ no no not gone. Gone’s opposite. Too much of it taking. Th’ hollerin’ ‘mpty rose of the atmosphere goes lukewarm when the world’s become just a null waiting room. It’s taking too much time. Hast-pagg, c’est enjoyment. Waiting for judgement. Why must we be judged? Imagining what the person whose judgement they’re waiting for = Tapping the table. Might be doing = Elation. Why do we not know who we are? Enjoyment. How’d this get caused? What the person deciding = Rennie the Dodger got Flung-“in the water”. Grief. For the price of just playing a game. What kind of something does not know who they are? Who decided that Rennie belonged “in the water”? Enjoyment. Think. Water. $ Jai alai is a sport involving bouncing a ball $ Imagine. What they wish they were doing. Water. Jan. Math can’t help now. Cold water. Jon. Dismay. Can’t help. Cold crank, deep water. Rollerin’ coaster. Why the = When will our Rennie be allowed out the water? Help now. Jan-Jon. Deep water. Can’t = They do not know “who they are”. No it can’t. Why do we deserve = Why the hell are you? Grief. It always helped before but. All of this very deep water. Jon-Jan. What they might really be doing. Elation. Why can’t it help us now? In my God-damn = Gone out to get the gravy. In between. Elation. | clear desks for pop quiz | In my God-damned boat, Rennie! They imagine who they will end up being. Enjoyment. In between. Where will it be we’ll end up ending up in? Jan. Its a rollerin’ coaster. Grief. A rollerin’ coaster. Why the hell are you in my God-damned boat, Rennie? Get the hell out of my God-damned boat! ( hokay! Conrad Adenauer ) Dismay. Rennie the Dodger got Plunged-“in the water”. Perhaps we are only = Jon. Back and forth this way. God-damned boat! Elation. Plant-people. Rollerin’ coaster. The hell out of my God = We are only plant-people. Enjoyment. = plucky bantam rooster = Back and forth that way. Rollerin’ coaster. Perhaps we’re just only = Rooted down here. Rennie the Dodger got Flung-cross the water. Get the hell out of my = Plant-people. ( hokay! Conrad Adenauer ) Dismay. Back and forth that way. Pity these great trees all around. Elation. Enjoyment. Which can never just give up and walk the hell away. “Hey look there hey look there there’s Rennie the Creel he’s Rennie all day and all the God-damned time!” Get the hell out. ( hokay! Conrad Adenauer ) Rennie the Dodger got Flung-out the water. Rollerin’ coaster. Grief. When they find out. Dismay. ^ too frilly too cheap ^ Perhaps they will tell us. Enjoyment. Will tell us we’re = Elation. Tell us we’re plant-people. Get the = Grief. Only just plant-people. Dismay. Rooted down here forever. Just give up and walk the hell away. Enjoyment. Here in this nothing place forever. Elation. Here. : let’s continue on thinking about something else: Okay. here; get = You are just plant-people. Is that him now? No. ‘et. Grief. You are just plant-people. ‘t. Him now here he’s? No. Grief. Comes? Enjoy the remainder of your short lives. “Brown the meat slowly being careful not to” Is this him now here they comes? ‘0’ Grief. Grief. Yes. Of your short lives. No. Grief. Rollerin’. Enjoyment. Coaster. Despair. Rollerin’ here they is. Elation. “Isn’t this game great, great fun?” Coaster here they comes. they may say only, Enjoy the remainder of your already short lives. “Yes it’s fun!” Or, you may not leave. Now. You may not leave now just enjoy the rest of just enjoy your already just enjoy short lives your very short lives enjoy the remainder of your very short lives up! Eh class here—wake up!
Above them stood stands the— M. ‘Mory’ (false) Teacherman, waving papers.
You! And you! Here are my decisions! Jan (redacted) stand and face my decision.
You may return to your environment.
Praise God!
And Jon (redacted). Stand and face my decision.
You may return to your environment.
Praise God!
And—huh? What—
Who the hell are you? Put this private data right the hell down, before I call security.
(the nerve!)
(Author’s note: “Jan and Jon’s Anatomical Day” is a portion of a much longer {novel length+} work in progress called “Party”. The first two completed sections {120K words}of “Party” are currently making the rounds seeking publication. FYI)