by Joseph Harms.
He watched himself as one’d a foe, at best
a corvine snowed, where flake and vane meet
awake at times to scop the foresttop
alluvia (the phatic all): Oh, fey
heart of this and that! oh, gay old sometime!
the thinnest know, untether hunger wonderful. /
The aqueduct that rachises from holt
to holt (the Huroned towns subjacent) top which
the leaves will undecide their scribe deposed
while men unjob(b)ed rakecull sigils (their Sunkist-
killall coldgrilled, cinderblocked) their thruway
toward what dreams when spoke are haunted halt
like jaysent robins ’fraid, untreed, or hawks
when corvinerankled. Here on colubrine
halloweened col where deer won’t run when whispered
to and fathomed chimneys plait leaffall (their
ciphered intercourse disearnable) the two
until they’re through unspoken shouldertouch
as if on accident within the vat-
ic all (the cursived sparrows galed). Sighs
of fur dislimn among blackcurrants
etiolate rathe by hoars (those near the earth);
on rocks exudate, berries forced and blood’s
sure drapetomania; like gullleft gurry
the slabbed oblation (how unpacked, just left): the X
they ate their folks refused in gulletstrictures
fans the paradox of fused wishbones.